Where the Family gets together...!
Home Page

Spring 2011
This Site Address Is For SALE
is for Sale

A Brief Note to Help You Enjoy this Site

Well, for some reason you are here. Perhaps a coffee break or something else. A good day I hope so may I suggest clicking on Slide Show in the Menu to see a slide show. Just sit back and take a sip and know I appreciate your taking a look. All of these images you will see have been reduced in size tremendously resulting in serious memory/detail loss. Some originals are 22 inches in width and height so you can imagine the result of making it a four inch picture for viewing. Original images are ready for transfer upon request. Enjoy yourself!

'parallax view'
the Mezzanine Series

Sponsored by
"a generation of ideas, that work!"

 Copyright 2007

'Sophie's Memory'

'summer alms'
 endless summer

You have arrived at
 Where the family meets
May I introduce you to its cast !  This is the patriarch, the father, the founder  A maverick driven concept...........  Stargate Art Stowage, Uncle Albert's closet...  Synergy of the genes.......for thought......... Additional shelf and wall space...TEMP

Now Brand New.. See
"Passage, through the Golden Gate"
the first series
of the Pacific Coast Collection
a complimenting two artboard unit offering

"a connection where imagination nears reality" goes coast to coast... want sneak preview, just say the word!
 Please contact for details.


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